6 Best Garage Floor Containment Mats (for Snow, Rain, Mud, and Oil)

Garage floor containment mats are designed to protect the surface of your garage floor so you’re not always dealing with damage or staining from snow, mud, water, or oil and other car fluid stains. As an added bonus, they contain spills, which when close enough, protects your walls and objects stored on the floor.
To get the best garage floor mat for your specific needs, make sure that the mat you buy is plenty wide enough to park your vehicle on it. This isn’t a problem with small cars, but trucks and SUVs need a wider surface.
For areas known to get heavy snow or rain, looks for mats with a raised outer edge to contain the dripping and melting.
Our 6 Favorite Garage Floor Containment Mats
Product | Sizes | Largest Size | Raised Edge? | |
AutoFloorGuard | 4 | 8'6" x 20' | Yes | |
TruContain | 2 | 7'9" x 18' | Yes | |
WELKIN | 3 | 7'9" x 18' | Yes | |
ArmorAll | 4 | 8'10" x 22' | No | |
Floor Defender | 1 | 8' x 21' | Yes | |
Hanjet | 3 | 8.5' x 20' | Yes |
Garage Floor Mat Reviews
#1 – AutoFloorGuard Containment Mat
This AutoFloorGuard (AFG) premium containment mat may be the last floor mat you will buy for your garage. Its largest size (measuring 8.6′ x 20′) is perfect for most trucks and SUVs, and its raised edges help you keep the water and mud which falls from your vehicle off the floor of your garage.
This outer lip is filled with a soft foam padding that will compress when you step or drive over them. This reduces the possibility of tripping, but you’ll have to be careful not to give water an avenue for draining off the containment mat.
One way to do that is to simply put towels under the edge to provide slightly more lift. You could do the same thing with small diameter wooden rods or dowels, but keep in mind that doing so increases the risk of tripping, and watch your step.
But to be honest, it really isn’t necessary to make this change and 99% of individuals won’t have any issues with water containment.
Tip: Before placing any parking mat on your garage floor, use a good concrete cleaner to get rid of any oil, grease, or other stains on the surface. You’ll be glad you did.
The added width is perfect for larger vehicles, because other mats of this type are mainly designed for smaller, passenger vehicles and may not fit wider ones.
The most common complaint with the Auto Floor Guard is that the thin material has a tendency to slip or bunch if you turn the wheels or even shuffle your feet near the edges.
Unless you have the ability to clean the containment mat where it sits, there is not much you can do to correct this minor design flaw. Cleaning in place is not difficult, though, and can be done with a shop vacuum, or a mop and push broom.
If you’re going to clean the mat in place, you can make it stay in place better by putting strips of double sided tape on the underside, running across the width of the mat. Use a strip every 18 to 24 inches, and the mat will not “crawl” when you drive over it or even if you drag a lightweight item.
When taking the mat outside to clean it, you will have to be careful not to scratch or puncture the containment surface. It’s made from a heavy duty PVC fabric material, but may still tear with harsh use. Like most other containment mats, the surface is not intended for studded tires.
Overall, the AutoFloorGuard mat checks off all the boxes of a good garage floor containment mat for winter and any other season. It’s no wonder this mat is one of the top-selling garage mats for a few years now.
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#2 – TruContain Garage Floor Mat
The TruContain is a gray garage floor containment mat that’s similar to the AutoFloorGuard. Its containment edge is made from 1.18” foam with heat welded PVC-infused fabric for a combined thickness of about 1.25”.
The seams are on the underside, while the top is lightly textured to make it easier to clean.
You will need a smooth, clean floor to apply the velcro stick pads, and should place the mat, dull side up. The mat is known to wrinkle or bunk up a bit, so additional adhesion measures may be necessary. You may also need to estimate a larger size than required to ensure a snug fit.
The TruContain is a good option when you need something a bit larger than what AutoFloorGuard has to offer but be aware that the larger sizes tend to be in and out of stock frequently.
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#3 – WELKIN Containment Mat
Don’t let the appearance fool you, this mat is both durable and functional. The surface is heavy duty PVC fabric with a texture that helps prevent wheel slippage. It’s also waterproof, dries quickly, and reduces noise.
Installation is a breeze. Simply lay the mat down, mark off the corners, then flip each corner over so you can wipe the mat’s corner clean with an alcohol prep pad. Place a square of adhesive Velcro on the mat and floor so they overlap when you flip the corner back over, and you’re done.
With four different size options available, the mat has columns along the edges and interior length made of 1.18-inch tall high elastic sponge designed to bounce back after your car drives over it. These columns effectively contain any liquids until you clean the mat or allow water to evaporate.
Speaking of cleaning, snow and mud are easily removed with a few light pushes of a squeegee and can be washed or hosed down with water as needed. The mat includes a squeegee, two alcohol pads and four pairs of Velcro squares to make installation and maintenance as effortless as possible.
There have been a few complaints of the edge seams becoming damaged and the sponge material soaking up water. This has occasionally led to the water leaking out of the edges, although it’s not a common issue. Thankfully, customer service is quick to provide remedies if this happens to you.
Also, the Velcro may have a little difficulty holding on some floor surfaces without additional adhesive measures. It’s possible this issue is occurring on unsealed floors, which have more texture than sealed ones and thus are harder for adhesives to stick to. This issue is more common with the largest mat sizes, where the weight of a pickup or SUV can pull the mat a little if it doesn’t have a firm adhesive seal.
But beyond those two issues, the mats are excellent quality. They’ll hold winter salt, snow, mud, water, and other liquids efficiently, protecting your garage floor from dirt and damage. There are also quite a few reports of these mats lasting several years without any sign of wear, so you’re actually getting your money’s worth!
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#4 – ArmorAll Absorbent Fabric Garage Floor Mat
Available in sizes from 7’4″ x 17′ to 8’10” x 22′ (as well as a 30″ x 59″ oil spill mat), this charcoal-colored gem is more than a simple containment mat. Its surface is designed to feel like carpet, so not only does it absorb and contain liquids, it looks and feels good.
The waterproof backing prevents liquids from soaking through to the floor beneath, while the patented Drymate fabric contains spills for easier cleanup.
Best of all, the mats are easy to clean, with 80 percent recycled fibers and the ability to be cut to perfect size without risk of fraying.
Note that some paints and sealers react to waterproof backing and may cause discoloration or sticking so if you have an epoxy coated floor, it may be worth using a different mat.
Consumers have used this mat in everything from garages to greenhouses for stopping ice and liquids. It’s easy to vacuum, although it might not contain as well in heavily salted winter scenarios.
When exposed to direct sunlight, the color also allows it to function as passive heating, helping to ensure warm toes in the wintertime.
While this mat is great at keeping liquids off the floor, if any water does manage to seep underneath from the sides, it will begin sliding. It has also been known to bunch up for some customers when they drive over it but less so than other brands.
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#5 – Floor Defender Garage Containment Mat
This 8 by 21 foot vinyl coated polyester mat is perfect for SUVs and trucks, although smaller sizes are available for sedans and other smaller cars. The thicker, heavier construction means it can take a lot of punishment from heavier vehicles than most similar mats.
Installation is a simple matter of rolling out the mat, then anchoring it down with the included Velcro strips. Once installed, the grey coloration helps blend the mat in with most unfinished garage floors. However, it may stand out a bit if you have a painted floor or use colorful floor tiles.
A 1 3/16-inch edge barrier made of etho-foam effectively contains salt, water, chemicals such as transmission fluid or oil, and mud so it doesn’t spill out onto the surrounding garage floor. Its anti-skid surface is effective in temperatures ranging from -40 to 104 degrees
Well-made and durable, the only issue this mat seems to have is that creases and wrinkles can be a little hard to get out when you first install it. Also, it’s important to remember that the adhesive strips may have problems sticking to a garage floor that hasn’t been cleaned and degreased with a good concrete cleaner.
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#6 – Hanjet Garage Floor Car Containment Mat
It’s hard to find a better value than this woven PVC fabric containment mat. The waterproof seams are reinforced and thermal welded to ensure extra durability while the interior is well-cushioned with a closed-cell foam containment edge.
Available in 3 sizes, your compact car, mid-size sedan, or truck/SUV should have no trouble fitting. This mat is quite easy to clean and maintain.
While the quality is not quite up to AutoFloorGuard or TruContain standards, it’s a good inexpensive garage floor containment mat with raised edges.
This is good, well made mat that does the job. However, unlike most items on this list, the PVC002 isn’t slip-resistant, requiring frequent brushing in wet weather. It’s also flammable if exposed to open flame.
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Garage Floor Mat Buying Guide
Deciding on the best garage floor containment mat for the job takes a little more thought than you might expect. Just as you’d want something weatherproof for your doorstep or water-resistant for the bathroom, it’s important to choose a mat best suited for use in the garage.
Here are some key points to keep in mind.
What Material is Best?
There are a lot of materials out there to choose from, such as polyester, polyvinyl, PVC and rubber. Of these, polyvinyl and PVC tend to be the toughest, while polyester is able to replicate the feel of carpeting.
In the end, however, the best material for the job is often down to how you plan to use the space.
In all cases, you will want a mat that’s resistant to chemical and liquid spills, grooved or textured to channel liquids away, cushioned, slip resistant, and easy to clean.
Note that you will either want a smooth surface or an easily removed mat for those times you plan to use a creeper.
What Size and Thickness Do I Need?
You’ll want a mat heavy enough to stay down, but that doesn’t mean bigger is better. Most mats are about 1/2 inch thick and are sufficient for everyday traffic and parking a vehicle on.
Industrial mats are better suited for garages that are used for repairs and other heavy-duty functions and are around 3/4 inches thick.
When buying a mat, you will want to decide whether you want it to cover the entire garage or merely a portion (such as a under a vehicle or workshop area).
Most garage floor mats are easily cut to fit (except those with raised edges), so you can get away with purchasing something slightly larger than needed.
See Also: Best Anti-Fatigue Mats for Your Workbench
For the full garage, however, you will need to measure the dimensions and buy one or more mats to fit that size. Again, they’re usually easy to cut, so you can get any combination of mats and trim them down to fit into a 20 x 12 foot garage or larger. But for large areas, garage floor tiles may be a better option.
For a better idea of how large your garage is without having to measure by hand, check out this handy size guide.